There are 64 physical levels in the dungeon. The levels are certainly not independent of one another and you will pass back and forth between levels as you seek your goals, but many levels do have their own identity.
Each physical level has 32 x 32 map squares. Especially the upper levels are densely packed, almost no floor space is "wasted".
List of locations, areas and places
There is a list of detailed level and area descriptions which does not (yet) contain every intersting place.
Conflux is really huge, and without using maps it's easy to lose your way or miss interesting things.
The map password scrolls
In the game you can find password scrolls. Use the passwords to access the hand painted secret online maps being officially part of the game. Those contain quite a few areas of the dungeon. Especially if you consider using the online maps described below to spoil too much of the game, these maps provide a great help.
Mapping yourself
- Parallax provided the following (from the forums):
- Now (2012) overworked with some additional information for the current Conflux version:
For people trying to locate places absolutely, here's a list of my tricks.
- If you can connect it back to a known place without going through any teleporter (stairs are OK, but watch your compass), do it.
- If you can't, try using the "see through wall" spell
(YA EW DAIN) to locate an already mapped place.
- If you think you can see an already mapped area, but are not sure, go to the square you think you see and drop a few plasma or other items on the square you think you see, on the subtiles that are away from the wall. If the next square over is empty, drop a few items there too. Return to the previous place and check.
- If you look at a door sideways through a wall, the frame will not be displayed. Keep it in mind. Same goes for stairs that have the wrong orientation.
- If you cannot even figure out what level you are on, try removing all light sources. If you can still see, you are on the Guild level or the Altar of the Assault.
- Cast the light spells
(FUL) or
(DES IR RA). If you are on the Mines level, you will know.
- Cast the treasure hunting spell
(OH IR ROS). If you are on an upper level (0, Guild to 16, Apprentice), and already have found the level's treasure, you will know your exact level. If you haven't yet found the level's main treasure, you are told the direction where the current level's treasure is hidden. If the spell fails, you are on level 17 or below; those levels haven't got a detectable treasure.
- Cast the improved hearing spell
(OH KATH). You may pick up clues as to what other areas are nearby. Even without the spell, there are specific noises to be heard on many levels.
- Get the unique compass "Learning Advisor" (see Compass entry in Misc) and examine it. It will display a unique text message on many of the upper levels; the message "MEETING DESTINY" is shown on the levels 9 to 12 (the guild master endings); the message "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY" is shared between many levels below the Moria; other levels down there haven't got a message.
- If all else fails, look at what monsters and decorations are around, and what the "cycling" colour is. If you have a Cerberus, put it down and look at its eyes (thanks Beo!), otherwise you have to rely on monsters, and running an inventory of monsters/decorations allowed and disallowed on each level is too much of a pain for me to bother with it. With some work put into it, it might be a powerful method, though.
The online maps on this wiki
There's an interactive map on this site containing detailed information including the in-game Hint Oracle of the most recent Conflux version.
- Paul wrote: Antman has been mapping ConfluxIII using CSBuild. He very kindly shared his savegame with me. He has mapped many levels at least in part. I have put the maps into the database.
The following sections describe how to use and even update those maps.
The map viewer and a list of the levels
By clicking on a level, you will get the whole level map. Everything in red triggers a popup note. Click on a stairway or a pit to get to the linked level.
- The level notes page contains the descriptions for the map pages; all information there is displayed to the right of the appropriate level's map, highlights map squares there, or shows additional popup texts. Beware: you can read all the hints for all levels at once there, this file is one huge spoiler!
The map descriptions in brackets below don't mention every area to be found on the levels, but only the most important or largest ones. Many areas spread across several levels and are connected through stairs or teleporters. Many levels contain rooms belonging to areas where the main part or entrance is located on another level. There are few levels containing exactly one dungeon area.
- All the levels in physical order (0 is the uppermost level where you start)
- Map of level 0 (Guilds) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "STASIS FIELD"
- Map of level 1 (Cellar) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "LOW POTENTIAL PLANE"
- Map of level 2 (Temple) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "FIRST LESSONS BEGIN"
- Map of level 3 (Sewers) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "BUDDING CHAOS"
- Map of level 4 (Mines) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "LITTLE SPIN WHEEL OF FORTUNE"
- Map of level 5 (Crypt) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "GROUND OF PROPHECIES"
- Map of level 6 (Spiders) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "FATE UNFURLING"
- Map of level 7 (Council) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "SHAPING OPPORTUNITIES"
- Map of level 8 (Emerald Level) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "FULFILLING FUTURE"
- Map of level 9 (ROS) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "MEETING DESTINY"
- Map of level 10 (DAIN) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "MEETING DESTINY"
- Map of level 11 (NETA) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "MEETING DESTINY"
- Map of level 12 (KU; Moria) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "MEETING DESTINY"
- Map of level 13 (Moria; Dragons' Lair) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "FLOURISHING EVENTS"
- Map of level 14 (Moria; Clockwork Maze) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "MEET YOURSELF"
- Map of level 15 (Moria; Emerald Forest) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DREAMS BECOME TRUE"
- Map of level 16 (Apprentice) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "OMEGA POINT"
- Map of level 17 (Aquantana; Chamber of Darkness below the Apprentice level) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 18 (Curiosities, puzzles below the Apprentice level) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 19 (Dragons, puzzles below the Apprentice level; Upper Deathtrap Dungeon) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 20 (Deathtrap Dungeon I) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 21 (Ye Old King Under The Mountain; Deathtrap Dungeon II) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 22 (Deathtrap Dungeon III) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 23 (Deathtrap Dungeon IV) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 24 (Deathtrap Dungeon V) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 25 (Forgotten Level; Lower Deathtrap Dungeon) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 26 (Inferno) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 27 (Fire; Altar of Love) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 28 (Air) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 29 (Earth) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 30 (Water) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 31 (Dragon) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 32 (Techno) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 33 (Altar of Ancient Doors; Altar of Rose; Nightmare entry level) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 34 (Fur Trader, Merchant Maze; The Repository) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 35 (?) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 36 (Altar of Nightmare) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says nothing
- Map of level 37 (?) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 38 (Chamber of Oblivion) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
- Map of level 39 (?)
- Map of level 40 (?)
- Map of level 41 (Altar of the Assault) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "STASIS FIELD"
- Map of level 42 (?)
- Map of level 43 (?)
- Map of level 44 (?)
- Map of level 45 (?)
- Map of level 46 (?)
- Map of level 47 (?)
- Map of level 48 (?)
- Map of level 49 (?)
- Map of level 50 (?)
- Map of level 51 (?)
- Map of level 52 (?)
- Map of level 53 (?)
- Map of level 54 (?)
- Map of level 55 (?)
- Map of level 55 (?)
- Map of level 57 (?)
- Map of level 58 (?)
- Map of level 59 (?)
- Map of level 60 (?)
- Map of level 61 (?)
- Map of level 62 (?)
- Map of level 63 (Room of Fate) – The unique compass (Learning Advisor) says: "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY"
Map editor usage
You can contribute your own mapping efforts and edit the wiki's online maps.
You can edit or add new notes on the level notes page. The level comments can also be edited there. This file generates all help texts on the map pages except the Oracle Hint poems, those are imported from the game files.
You can edit the maps, go to Edit mode and login with your dmwiki account. Beware: there is no undo function, if you make a mistake, don't save! If you made a mistake and save, it's possible to delete a changeset now, but beware nonetheless: you might delete a whole map forever!
Other online maps
- At [1], there are maps automatically generated from dungeon files, among them a few Conflux versions. These can help to physically locate an area if it has a unique shape. The web site contains also the "Swoosh Construction Kit", which creates such maps from unencrypted dungeon files.