These stairs go from Inferno at {26,29,30} all the way down into the Chamber of Oblivion at {38,26,27}.
These stairs go from {38,26,27} in the Chamber of Oblivion all the way up to Inferno to {26,29,30}.
Map of Conflux / Level 35
Tileset :

Level 35[edit]

The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says nothing when examined on this level.

Bones of the fallen, living once more,
Marrow clicks on the cold stone floor.
Shields held high, swords lash out
As the undead strike with no yell or shout.

Walking armour,
double blades,
Through his fallen foes he wades.

This grey solid giant is trouble indeed,
Protecting the dungeon from traveller's greed.
Step forth and face him, he strikes in a blur,
And you'll soon see that you're back where you were.

A burning desire, a passion of flame.
Trapped and immobile, death all the same.
Approach with care the roaring fire,
Or run around this deadly pyre.

Another magic master tall.
Avoid the spells and make him fall.

Amber skin and minds so cunning,
Little feet for swiftly running.
Items they find they will throw.
They work to swamp a hapless foe.

No hand throws them, though they fly
Through the air and seek to try
To slice through those who’d step too near.
For those not careful, the cost is dear.
POLYMORPHING KINGA mighty king of many forms,
He's slain many, it's known.
He changes form to fight his foes,
Each strong and weak, as shown.

This is a sample Sandbox dmzone (mouseover to see)