Pulling the lever at {17,5,27} summons a Water Elemental behind the half-open door at {17,6,26}, the door stays closed.
A group of Anemones sits here.
A group of Anemones sits here.
A group of Anemones sits here.
A group of Anemones sits here.
In the alcove at {17,8,17} is the unique Pendant Feral necklace, "SAID TO HOLD THE KNOWLEDGE OF SYRA".
Out of the water, up into the Apprentices' Soap and Water Room.
An Evil Crab lives here, it carries the Coral Poleyn, 5 COMPETITION POINTS. Not seen the crab in 3.5B8 (was already dead due to a bug).
I found the Coral Poleyn here on the floor in 3.5B8 due to a bug; can be anywhere on this level.
Button on the northern side, and inscriptions (clockwise starting from the north): "THREE LIVES HAVE I", "GENTLE ENOUGH TO SOOTHE THE SKIN", "LIGHT ENOUGH TO CARESS THE SKY", "HARD ENOUGH TO CRACK ROCKS". Touch the button with a flask of water (which you keep) to transmute the button into an alcove with a Sapphire, a full Waterskin, a Magic Purse.
Deep pit from the Moria at {14,26,18} down to Ye Old King under the Mountain to {21,26,18}. There are side entrances on levels 18 and 20 below.
There are pits in the Moria above this place on the levels 12 to 17.
Teleporter to the Crypt to {5,25,5}.
Down to Ye Old King under the Mountain.
Up to the Moria.
To the Apprentice Level
Inscription "TO THE SUNDRIER" at {17,1,30}
Inscription "TO THE SUNDRIER" at {17,1,28}
To the Sundrier.
Solid Key in the alcove at {17,5,31}
To the Cursed Armoury.
Door with a Solid Key lock at {17,7,25}, get the key from {17,5,31}.
To the Apprentice Level.
To the Gardening Challenge.
Inscription "GARDENING CHALLENGE" at {17,9,28}
Back to the Vortex on the Apprentice Level when fallen down to {17,8,8}.
You fall down from the Vortex on the Apprentice Level. Get back at {17,8,5}.
Map of Conflux / Level 17
Tileset :

Level 17 - Aquantana[edit]

The main Part of this level is under water. You can walk there, but there's a time limit. Return to the stairs to the Soap and Water room to the south as soon as you're warned about running out of air. The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says nothing when examined on this level.
  • The underwater level Aquantana
  • The Darkness Chamber
  • A few areas belonging to the Apprentice level above

A harmless puddle, don't you think?
Why not approach and try for a drink?
Yet hold at ready
sword or spell,
For this comes from no wishing well.

A spirit in a shell of water
Seeks out foes to drown and slaughter.
Sits and waits till prey comes near,
Then reaches with its tendrils dear.
Once you've torn
its outer skin,
You free the poison held within.

When these slow creatures find their prey,
A single touch can make it stay,
Make it sick and turn it weak,
Make it die without a squeak.
Aquatic creature, shiny red,
A sight to fill your mind with dread.
Destroy it swiftly, deal its fate.
Too fast does it regenerate.

With pincers sharp and sting aloft,
It scuttles forth to sting flesh soft.
Under water, under sand,
Power of sea and power of land
Combine to form an armoured foe
Who cannot feel a magical blow.

Swimming death with mouths a-double,
Twice the bite means twice the trouble.
Twice the poison, twice the pain,
Twice the death and twice the slain.

Hear them coming
in hungry mood,
Made of teeth, for you're their food.
Fight if you like, or run, if you can,
But these swim faster than the swiftest man.

If you cross their borders, you
Will find these creatures waiting.
Their toxic touch can lead you to
Defeat humiliating.
Undead creature,
robe of black,
Green curse causes strength to slack.

A spirit who will steal your strength,
Till blade you cannot hold,
And also does
your need for food
And water make you cold.

Yellow plates and sting held high,
Legs aplenty, beady eye.
With fearful snarl comes poison pain,
Enough to make the mighty slain.
DARKNESS CHAMBERIn this place, where darkness rules,
Traps abound for those blind fools
Who still trust in their feeble light,
Which, even strong, brings little sight.
TOWER OF PITSThough common sense will tell you
All pits are made to fell you.
Not all pits are as you see,
And time need not move so quickly.
TOWER OF LOOPSIf walls here seem far too bizarre,
Perhaps the answer lies not far.
Seek beneath the topmost floor,
For somewhere lies a hidden door.

Reach the top, then hit and run,
But know that things have just begun,
What lay behind may not stay so.
Listen for walls that move as you go.
TOWER OF DOORSAncient scrolls may be your guide,
If close enough they each are eyed.
Not all that seems beyond its use
Deserves abandonment, abuse.
TREASURE TIMEFight is over, monsters slain,
Now the treasure lies here plain.
See it, take it, now it's yours.
Some items which may aid your cause.
JUST A HALLSo often do you ask for help,
Begging for hints like some small whelp,
But know that help can't always be.
This corridor's just plain, can't you see?

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