Destroyable statue, says nothing.
Destroyable statue, says nothing.
Open this door at {38,8,31} with a Gold Key to get a Skeleton Key at {38,10,30}.
Destroyable statue, says nothing.
Destroyable statue, says nothing.
There are unusual walls at {38,23,5} and {38,24,6}.
These stairs go all the way up to Inferno to {26,29,30}.
Destroyable statue, says nothing, leaves 2 boulders.
Inscription "FIVE EGGS" at {38,28,10}.
Open this door with five different living VEN Eggs in the alcoves at {38,28,8}, {38,27,8}, {38,27,10}, {38,26,8}, {38,26,10}. The eggs give hints about what's inside upon examination.
Ladder up to the priests' guild to {0,14,16}.
There are many interesting graves around this place.
Door to the east with Skull Lock to the north.
Map of Conflux / Level 38
Tileset :

Level 38 - Chamber of Oblivion - Priest Guild Cemetary[edit]

The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY" when examined on this level.
  • The main area here consist of a cemetary accessible from the Priest's Guild through a ladder from {0,14,16}, and the Chamber of Oblivion; a passage between the two areas can be opened, but this must be done from both sides. I've found no valuable things here.
    • In the Lands of Death you'll find one special enemy, the immortal Death himself, the Harbinger, looking like a Reaper, but bigger. He can kill a party member instantly, and rip any already dead persons entirely out of your party. Those become new tombstones in the the Chamber of Oblivion: touch these with a Hellion necklace (which unfortunately will be lost) each to get your party members back. You cannot get replacement champions from mirrors. The Reapers and Smoke Wraiths (ghosts leaving ashes behind when killed) normally don't even survive LOZOEW (LO ZO EW). I'm not sure about how to get rid of the removable walls: walk around everywhere, touch the crosses. Initially, you come from Inferno through a long staircase ending at {26,29,30}.
    • You can find a hidden passage down to the deepest levels of the dungeon.
    • There is a hidden cemetary below the Priest's Guild, where you can find the graves of some Conflux heroes with "inscriptions" triggered by pressure plates. This room is safe from the level's monsters, as long as the passage to the Chamber of Oblivion is closed.
  • While you have a nightmare, you are teleported around between many similar rooms. You eventually find a Hellion necklace on the floor; as soon as you take it, you will awaken at the place where you fell asleep.

Fear itself, it comes alive,
Overcomes your every drive,
Takes your mind, makes dark the world,
Dwells within you, comes unfurled.

Swords are useless – how can they
Be wielded when you turn away
Just from being near this thing
That makes you shake and burn and sting?

But know of Fear, know one thing true,
Know deep within the heart of you,
That facing Fear is how to beat it.
When it roars, you can defeat it.
Fear not death when ashes build
Into the shape of those once killed.
Though undeath again is what they boast,
They can be slain like any ghost.

Coming darkness, sweeping scythe
To tear your flesh and make you writhe,
Make you perish, take your soul.
Yes, that is this creature’s goal.

Those it slays are gone for good,
Perhaps it smiles, ‘neath that hood.
Those souls it takes, it takes and keeps
In its museum, where each soul weeps.
NIGHTMAREAs you settle down to sleep,
You see them swiftly crawl.
You cannot catch nought, touch nought, no.
You wish for morning's call.

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