Conflux/Alchemy Guide
Alchemy Guide
The Alchemical Oven
You find the oven at {0,11,9}. Use the oven once before opening each further door of the Wizards' Guild, or lose the extra oven uses. You need two potions for each use. The potions' strengths and which one you put into the oven first don't matter, but nothing can be produced twice. Each of up to 3 possible uses allows to produce one more item from this list:
- Ven Egg + Kath Vinegar => Blast Spore
- Kath Vinegar + Sar Wine => Zo Liquor
- Sar Wine + Zo Liquor => 2 Zo Liquors
- Ven Egg + Sar Wine => Dragon Heart
- Zo Liquor + Kath Vinegar => Corbum
- Zo Liquor + Ven Egg => Dragon Spit wand
While comsumable, all powders are currently poisonous.
Expert Priest Description | Location/Produced By | Alchemcal Use | Um Master Priest Identify |
Aluminium | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Chromocalcite | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Chromoon | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Chromo Sulfur | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Copper | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Copper Sulfate | Killing Disks. | - | - |
Cupric Phosphate | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Ferric Sulfate | - | - | - |
Ferrocalcite | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Ferro Selenite | Alchemy Lab of the Hellforge | - | - |
Ferro Silicate | Killing Disks. | - | - |
Ferrous Nitre | - | - | - |
Gold | {5,8.4}. | - | - |
Phosphoferric | Killing the Moribund. | - | - |
Rust | Killing Rusters. Killing Unholy Knights. (cursed) Killing Cog Knights. (cursed) Lightning attacks on iron grate doors. Metal objects broken by Rusters. |
- | - |
Sulfur | Grinding a Cooked Egg with a Boulder. | Combine Sulfur, Saltpetre and Ashes to make Black Powder? | - |
Titanium | Killing Disks. | - | Remember remember the oracle of amber, this was just a dream what fake you thought was true every truth lied. |
Grey Dusts
The name of those items is "Dust", they can be distinguished by the orange Expert Priest description.
- Ashes
- The following actions produce ashes:
- killing monsters with fireballs,
- burning branches.
- The following actions produce ashes:
- Unique Ashes
- Carboxysilicium
- Found in the alcoves at {41,5,19} and {41,3,20}, accessible from the Altar of the Assault at {5,23.31}.
- Black Powder
- Found in an alcove at {4,13,26} in the Dwarven Maze near the Dwarven Treasure south of the Mines at the "explosion point".
- Nitro Titanium
- says "permanent water"
- Titanic Phosphate
- says "very fast evaporation"
- Dead Mushroom Spores
- Produced when Stone Mushrooms deteriorate on the floor
The Philosophal Stone
The Philosophal Stone is obtained in the Repository at {34,6,26} in exchange for a Thorn. You reach this place from an Elevator at {4,17,15} in the Mines which you activate with an Iron Key. The key is lost, so it is recommended to take all necessary things with you to solve the Repository riddles at once.
Other magical transmutations
Those work like the "shops" and some "locks" in the game, but are somewhat more magical.
- In the Minotaur's Maze on Level 0 are six mirrors. Touching them with a Mirror of Dawn consumes your Mirror of Dawn, and makes an alcove appear instead where you find a new Mirror of Dawn along with another item.
- The Vinegar Transmuter at {8,7,7} turns Kath Vinegar into a dead (MON) Blast Spore.