Conflux/Places/Room of Fate

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  • There are Gigglers on this level. Use them to train a weak, freshly reincarnated party.
  • The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY" when examined on this level.
  • Map of level 63

How to get there


  • Learn to deal with Gigglers here.
  • The Flood Test allows you to adjust the flood effect strength for the whole game. This only affects CSBwin versions with the graphics overlay effect compiled in (more recent than version 12.100 for Linux/x86 (not yet publicly available at the time of writing, March 18th 2012); included in the Linux versions for the ARM platform (11.059 for the Pandora and everything derived from it) and all recent Windows versions). This function is meant to enable the player to speed up the game on slow computers.
  • "Unleash Hell": To the east you find a button in a niche which permanently switches on the generation of Tormentors, ferocious hell creatures normally to be found on infernal levels only, which then haunt you on all levels. A starting party is unlikely to survive this, for an advanced party the monsters are no threat on their own, but can be annoying in the long run, and disturb you when performing difficult actions. This function is menat to make the game harder for experienced players. Once this button is pressed, the effect cannot be undone!
