Conflux/Places/Four Choices
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- On the Spiders' level you can access a small room which allows you to exchange a SAR Key with one of four other items.
- Maps: Show text
How to get there
This area is accessed via a magical flux behind the RA door on the southeast wall of the Revenge Room of Spiders!.
- You will need a SAR Key to open the door.
- After opening the door, entering the flux will transport you, facing north, to a pressure pad at the center of this room with iron doors in each direction.
- The iron door to the north will immediately open when you enter and reveal an Oitu.
- Each time you face a new direction, the iron door in front of you will open.
- As soon as you turn around or leave the pressure plate, the door you were facing will close again.
- You cannot closely examine the objects in the rooms before choosing which chamber to enter!
- Behind each door is exactly one Oitu, which will not respawn if you kill it.
- If you kill an Oitu, you can reach the alcove behind it with an item in it.
- The northern alcove contains a Wand of
- The eastern alcove contains a Winged Key.
- The southern alcove contains a Basinet.
- The western alcove contains a Flask of Water.
- Taking the flask gives you 1 Competition Point and is therefore recommended.
- The northern alcove contains a Wand of
- You come from the RA door in the Revenge Room. This is the only way in.
- You may choose one item, and, after taking it, will be immediately transported back in front of the now closed RA door in the Revenge Room. This is the only way out.
- This area cannot be re-entered after you have made your choice.