A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
Try to chase Gigglers into this corner. I killed a Giggler who had previously stolen my compass here. It might have been teleported from the Ninja Guild into this room or the room above. See also {6,0,8} and {6,2,4}.
You can fall down here from a pit at {4,0,8}. See also {6,0,2} and {6,2,4}.
To the temple; exits to this stairwell from the levels 3 to 6 must be unlocked from the other sides.
To the Council; exits to this stairwell from the levels 3 to 6 must be unlocked from the other sides.
Open this door with an Emerald Key at {6,1,18} or {6,3,18}. This is only a shortcut, both sides of this door are accessible without spending a key.
Helmet here.
A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
Down and up again to the "Revenge Room" to {6,9,20} east of here and down to the "Canteen" on the Council level.
You can be teleported to this place from the Maze of Thieves from {15,14,29}.
It seems that a teleporter from here to {6,26,4} can be activated.
To {4,10,4} in the mines' elevator room, and up to the guilds; to {6,11,5}, as well as down to the pits-and-teleporters "game" on levels 7 and 8.
Down and up again to the adjacent stairs to {6,7,20} west of here and down to the "Canteen" on the Council level.
Move quickly, or you will fall down into the pits-and-teleporters "game" on levels 7 and 8.
To {4,10,4} in the mines' elevator room, and up to the guilds; to {6,9,5}, as well as down to the pits-and-teleporters "game" on levels 7 and 8.
Move quickly, or you will fall down into the pits-and-teleporters "game" on levels 7 and 8.
Move quickly, or you will fall down into the pits-and-teleporters "game" on levels 7 and 8.
"Revenge Room" Enter at {6,13,24} or {6,9,20} via {6,7,20}.
"Revenge Room" Enter at {6,13,24} or {6,9,20} via {6,7,20}.
This is the destination of the teleporter at {0,8,31} in a portal room on the Guilds' level. Gigglers and the freed Cartographers from {13,0,4} can appear here, as well as the Darc Armour knights and yourself from {19,7,26}.
Going here opens a pit dropping you to into a prison cell at {7,13,19} immediately. Enter this room at {6,13,24} or {6,9,20} via {6,7,20}.
To the backdoor hall of the Council.
To {6,17,9}.
This door is locked, behind it is a teleporter.
Stairs down to {7,16,5} (Dark Councillor).
Ladder down to {7,16,7}.
A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
Water basin to the east.
To {6,15,9}.
A Spider is generated here when you enter the square to the north. You are teleported to this place from {7,28,5} in the Portal Room.
Taking the bag with ashes from the alcove to the north opens a pit below you. You will fall into a prison cell at {7,17,19}.
Water basin to the south. Touching the statue on the west wall closes and opens "Pit D" at {6,19,3}.
Bones, rope, many VEN Eggs. You are hit by a spell which is triggered when entering and leaving this place. Try to lure a worm from the secret treasure room around {6,27,9} here. After you kill the Council the following items appear here: rapier, fury, saphire, crown of pride, SAR key.
Water basin to the north.
Pit into Solune's prison cells. Many Vexirks and Thieves!
"Pit D".
A cobweb throws back items.
You are teleported here from {8,0,2} in the Kitchen Lab. Kill the rats at {6,19,29} for furs and Steaks, then go there to make the teleporter back to {8,0,3} appear here.
Gaefusilfr in southern wall.
Torso plate mail.
A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
Spitter berry in alcove behind door to the south.
VEN egg and alcove behind unbreakable randomly opening and closing door.
VEN egg in front of the door.
Series of pits ending at {9,22,23}.
You can be teleported here from {6,8,16}.
A cobweb throws you back one square, so you cannot enter. It also throws back items.
Riddle (Master of the keys): Iron Key. (opens door)
Riddle (Herakles): Gauntlets. (gives unique magical ashes)
Riddle (Gnomekin): SAR Wine. (gives ZO Liqeur)
Riddle (Arianna): Rope. (opens wall)
Riddle: Bones. (gives Skebow)
Riddle (Elfkin): Bow. (gives elven boots)
Riddle (Orckin): Club. (gives Magic Purse)
Riddle (Trollkin): Stone club. (gives Icewinds)
Riddle (Heroes touched by fortune): Gaefusilfr. (gives Scroll of Teleport); on floor: Blast Spore, Kath Vinegar.
Riddle (lost wanderer): Arrow. (gives compass)
Riddle (Shoulders): Cape. (gives leather jerkin)
Riddle (true companion): The Shining. (gives glowing stone)
Riddle (protector of warriors): Wooden Shield. (gives unique small Shield of NETA: increases vitality (no Vitality increase in Conflux 35B8 and above.))
Riddle (Atlas): Boulder. (gives stone club)
Riddle: Scroll.
Riddle (Prometheus): Torch.
"FUL": touching the statue at {6,4,2} turns on lights leading you to {6,21,25}; probably you must clear your path several times, because "web doors" close and spiders appear in your way. Have strong fireballs prepared, and wield weapons to kill spiders with the first hit.
You come from {6,15,31}.
Teleporter to {6,17,30}.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
Teleporter to {6,21,27}.
Closed door. To open it, press the button at {6,19,28} behind the door at {6,18,28}.
You come from {6,11,31}.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
You come from {6,15,27}.
Teleporter to {6,12,30}.
Teleporter to {6,8,30}.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
There is a Ra Key here. One is in the lock at {6,18,29}.
There is a Monk Staff here. You come from {6,11,27}.
You come from {6,21,25}.
Teleporter to {6,10,29}.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
Teleporter to {6,4,31}.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
You come from {6,5,27}.
This door is locked. Use a Ra Key to be found at {6,12,29} in the lock at {6,18,29}. There is a button on the wall behind this door.
The button opens the door at {6,8,28}.
Open this door by touching the FUL statue at {6,4,2}. You'll return later to this place if you enter the teleporter to the south. Whenever you get teleported back here without having finished the puzzle, do not go north, or you'll have to open this door at the statue again. Simply go back south into the teleporter; you don't need any items from outside the area.
Teleporter to {6,14,29}.
You come from {6,8,27}.
There is a bag here, containing 2 Steaks, a Waterskin, a Shining, a sapphire, a compass, a SAR Key.
Teleporter to {6,21,24}.
If you free the Giggler from the treasure room prison at {5,4,9} (upstairs {6,5,7} from here), it will eventually fall through the pit at {5,2,4}. Lure it into one of the corners at {6,0,2} or {6,0,8} before killing it and retrieving the treasure so it can't escape: it must be killed twice, the first time an invisible Ghost Giggler remains.
To a treasure room, take lock picks and a golden GOR Coin with you.
A Scorpion appears behind you when you enter here for the first time. There are VEN Eggs in the wall.
Press the switch on the wall to remove it.
Kill the Mothers of the Egg Chamber here, 1 COMPETITION POINT. This room has lots of VEN Eggs on the floor, as well as the following items: Scimitar; Corbum; 2 bones; Open Helm; scroll: Heroism Brewage, DES BRO KU. Don't kill all the worms here, lure them into the "shower" at {6,18,6}.
A Scorpion appears behind you when you enter here for the first time. There are VEN Eggs in the wall.
The button at {6,8,1} removes the wall at {6,9,0}. You get here only from a locked up pit on the Crypt level.
Going down the Stairs of Ashes here floods the level.
This door can be opened without a key (at least from the western side.)
Stairs of Ashes.
This pit goes down to {7,24,2}, from there you can either teleport up here to {6,24,3} or reach {8,27,0} via another pit, then {10,26,2} and finally {12,23,0} at the Moria entrance.
Move fast to go over the pressure plate; via {6,28,2} you reach the Dwarven Obituary Hall on the Mines level and the Stairs of Ashes at {6,28,0}. Stand here to fall down into a teleporter room to {7,28,3}, a shortcut to the levels 0; 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 12.
Water to the west. There are trees and a Golem here.
To {6,30,11}, {6,31,10}.
To {6,30,9}, {6,31,10}.
To {6,30,11}, {6,30,9}; there is an alcove with something in it here.
This is the exit from the corridors you enter from the pit at {0,18,28}. In the room behind this door is a golem. There are also trees.
This staircase goes up all the way to the sewers which you can enter through a fake wall west of {3,31,30} (you can reach the crypt cemetary from there, and the grave of Druafang), and ends on the temple level at {2,31,31}.
This grate is dangerous, stepping onto it generates at least one spider. When you enter for the first time from the west, a few spiders appear in front of you. When you are coming back from the end of the corridor, many spiders appear. It is best to prepare fireball spells and throwing items (such as spider eggs). Try to escape, and fight them preferrably from behind the fake walls at {6,0,28}, they won't follow you there. Don't fight standing in doorways, they close again and hit you.
Food: Amber Worm.
The level's main treasure location, get it from {6,12,24}. Shuriken, bones, bag with Hosen, cape, golden key on the floor.
Scorching Silk Whip here, 1 COMPETITION POINT.
You come from the Dwarven Obituary Hall through the door with the Powergem Lock on the Crypt Level.
Throw Corbums at these doors to free the Leader of the Council, 10 COMPETITION POINTS.
Dragon helm on east facing wall, 3 COMPETITION POINTS. Not in 3.5B8 any more!
Spell unlocked, Ultimate Sacrifice, ZO BRO NETA.
To the room of the grave of Druafang on the crypt cemetary.
Fight the dragon.
Door lockpickable.
Furx, the weapon of Druafang here, 3 COMPETITION POINTS.
This wall must be opened from the western side.
You fall into "The Cruel Pit" to {7,7,6}, and can come up the stairs at {6,7,7}, but that's not the way out, or is it?.
There are player bones, 3 scrolls and an Emerald Key in the alcove at {6,29,17}. At {6,28,18} is a wall decoration instead of an alcove. There might be something interesting hidden.
This door is closed as long as there aren't bones in all of the alcoves at {6,28,19}, {6,29,17}, {6,30,18}, {6,30,19}. To keep the additional champion bones, exchange them with normal bones.
There are a VI Altar at {6,28,22} and a bookshelf at {6,30,22}. You find scrolls and a Gaefusilfr coin in them.
This teleporter brings you back to {2,20,16} into the Iron Temple.
Map of Conflux / Level 6
Tileset :

Level 06 - The Spider Level[edit]

Another long-abandoned area. Cobwebs block your way, red eyes follow you in the dark, and scratching noises rattle your nerves. You are not alone here, as you shall soon find out. The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says "FATE UNFURLING" when examined on this level.
The level contains many interesting puzzles and treasures:
  • Look for statues in the walls. Many give you hints about an item they want, and give another one in exchange or open a path. The conversion works only once per statue.
    • The FUL Statue Riddle is a special one not requiring an item, but not easy to solve.
  • The entrance and exit from a pit of a treasure room on the level above.
  • A secret room.
  • The Stairs of Ashes have a puzzle on this level.
  • Teleporter shortcuts to many levels above and the pits down to the entrance of the Moria.
  • The Spider Queen corridor with the Scorching Silk Whip (this level's main treasure).
  • The way to one of the many endings of this game.
  • The grave of Druafang.
  • The Cruel Pit Riddle.
  • The Time Machine in the future.

A harmless puddle, don't you think?
Why not approach and try for a drink?
Yet hold at ready
sword or spell,
For this comes from no wishing well.

A burning desire, a passion of flame.
Trapped and immobile, death all the same.
Approach with care the roaring fire,
Or run around this deadly pyre.
does it crawl the floor,
Seeking clumsy feet to gnaw.

Their bite can poison arms and hands
While you are bound in silky strands.
Through thickened webs you'll have to wade.
Ignore the spells – fight with the blade.

Darts around
all dressed in green,
Likes to take
what it has seen.
Likes to blind you from afar,
Laughs at his use of the power of Sar.
Dragonkin with golden hide,
And mouth with many teeth inside.

This grey solid giant is trouble indeed,
Protecting the dungeon from traveller's greed.
Step forth and face him, he strikes in a blur,
And you'll soon see that you're back where you were.

With pincers sharp and sting aloft,
It scuttles forth to sting flesh soft.
TOMB OF DRUAFANGSlain by a curse, tortured since,
Always forced to writhe and wince.
Something here is worth the trip,
Some knowledge you will want to grip.
ROBBERYYou trust a robber? Very wise,
If you do wish to lose your eyes.
Break the circle, but act fast,
Else a nasty spell they'll cast.
CLOSING DOORSPatience is a worthy trait,
Helping you pass door and gate.
Use it here, and wait your chance,
Then grab the treasure, backwards prance.
THROBBEN'S DOORSSome great, thick doors, they'll open not.
Perhaps the key lies somewhere hot?
For though it may not seem like much,
Their architect was a smith, as such.
SAR KEYA choice, perhaps, you'll need to make
On which to open, which to take.
This door has something you may need.
To find the key, the Light you'll heed.
RA KEYSeek where dead things once were lain,
The resting place of dead and slain.
Not on this level is it, though,
Nor will you have luck down below.
RA KEYIf key you want, you'll need to move,
And fine good sense you'll have to prove.
Find the right path through the maze
Of shifting, moving, blurring haze.
JEWEL SHORTCUTAlthough this place has use, it's true,
It may or may not profit you.
Be careful which you choose to open,
For gems are not a paltry token.
BLUE PATHNote the silent guards stood near.
One may show you treasure, clear.
Note, however, this path's name.
You should follow those coloured the same.
REVENGE ROOMThe air of this place is twisted and strange.
It likes to distort that which is hurled at range.
Whether pointed or blunt, or poison or flame,
All thrown in this room are treated the same.
PITSPeer into the blackness there,
And see no path,
no winding stair.
If curiosity you heed,
Perhaps this time, it should you feed.
SCORPIONS NESTThe eggs, of course, were laid by those
Largest, stinging, fearful foes.
Their eggs are stinking, vile, it's true,
And may deter more than only you.
SPIDERS NESTA nest it is, deserted not
By those who leave their prey to rot.
Such prey may leave their things behind,
Discarded like a toughened rind.
NO ENTRYIf exploration is your aim,
If finding all things seems a game,
Alas, you'll find you cannot go
Through every way that seems to show.
know, touch, feel,
For what seems solid may not be real.
Look around without your eyes
To break the stone's secret disguise.
JUST A ROOMNo items here, no treasure pure,
No empty flask, no poison cure,
No riddle, hint, for mind or wit,
Though watch your step for creature, pit.
QUIET FOUNTAINNo tricks, no traps, just water clean,
From this quiet fountain, sweet, serene.
You may not find
more water soon,
So take advantage of this boon.
TREASURE TIMEFight is over, monsters slain,
Now the treasure lies here plain.
See it, take it, now it's yours.
Some items which may aid your cause.
FALL BREAKERMost pits give a bad reception,
And these here will be no exception.
But note that one pit closed may stop
A fall far too great – a death drop.
THE ENDTo enter the great Hall of Fame,
Step forward now, and end this game.
But if you'd rather kill and quest,
Then turn back now, you'll find it best.
The Spider QueenHer nest is huge, her body too,
But do not be deceived.
Her fangs are sharp, her webs are strong,
Her young are fast-conceived.
JUST A HALLSo often do you ask for help,
Begging for hints like some small whelp,
But know that help can't always be.
This corridor's just plain, can't you see?
JUST A HALLSo often do you ask for help,
Begging for hints like some small whelp,
But know that help can't always be.
This corridor's just plain, can't you see?

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