Take the bag with a VEN Egg from the floor, you will need it.
You are held back to the north until you defeat the 2 Sprites attacking you in this corridor.
Run quickly past the torch shooters to the east from here. The torches are burnt out.
SUKUMVIT IS A VILLAIN. Pulling the lever at {20,15,1} creates a burnt out Stormring in the alcove at {20,17,0}.
GLORY TO BARON SUKUMVIT. Pulling the lever at {20,15,2} closes the door and summons 4 immaterial Slimes behind you, which will inevitably kill you.
You are notified of a bell when arriving here, touching it at {20,16,24} sets off a deadly trap.
The Flying Guardians at {20,19,7} and {20,21,7} are held back as long as you don't touch the idol at the northern pit. They can attack successfully when you go around them.
Press the button at {20,19,1} to open the door at {20,19,2}.
Touching the idol on this side reveals an Emerald (wich you NEED to escape), but also releases the Flying Guardians from {20,19,7} and {20,21,7}, which come after you. Be quick!
Falling into this opening and closing pit can kill you, check your health. The 2 Flying Guardians at {20,19,7} and {20,21,7} are held back by forcefields, be quick to circumvent them! The idol in front of you is trapped, don't touch it.
2 Orcs are awaiting you to the east. They can be killed with a VEN Egg, and drop Leather Pants, a Spiked Mace, a Branch (Hollow Stick) and another GOR Coin.
The bag with a GOR Coin can be taken, but summons a Black Widow here which follows and attacks you. It can be killed with the VEN Egg you should have found earlier. If the Black Widow doesn't drop a replacement egg, you're out of luck…
Avoid the Caveman in the corridor to the north.
The Flying Guardians at {20,19,7} and {20,21,7} are held back as long as you don't touch the idol at the northern pit. They can attack successfully when you go around them.
Teleport back here from {22,24,31}, 2 levels below this place.
You are teleported down to {22,25,31}, 2 levels below this place.
In the alcove at {20,25,8} is a bottle of SAR Wine (take that as soon as you can, a trap was set off when I did that later), on the floor at {20,26,9} you find Bones and a Steak.
Go through the door at {20,25,11} before following the corridor to the east!
Take the Bag with a scroll and 2 GOR Coins from {20,24,26}.
Take the Torch from {20,24,27}.
Take the Torch from {20,26,29}.
You cannot open this button operated door in ghost form. Revive the Champion from the mirror upstairs.
The stairs down from the Deathtrap Dungeon's entrance level.
Way back after going down the pit at {20,28,14}.
Take the Rope out of the alcove at {20,26,14}. You can use it to climb down pits.
You can go down this invisible pit and come back up at {20,26,15}.
The Blast Spores on the dead Black Flame pads at {20,29,25} and {20,30,25} set off a deadly trap when taken.
The Blast Spores on the dead Black Flame pads at {20,29,25} and {20,30,25} set off a deadly trap when taken.
The heat to the north is deadly! Turn back.
Take the Almost Empty Waterskin from {20,30,23}.
From Inferno from {26,18,15}.
From Inferno from {26,18,15} back to Ye Old King under the Mountain to {21,28,2}.
Back to Inferno to {26,18,15}.
From Inferno from {26,18,15} back to Ye Old King under the Mountain to {21,28,2}.
Up to the Moria.
Deep pit from the Moria at {14,26,18} down to Ye Old King under the Mountain to {21,26,18}. There are side entrances here and on level 18 above.
The tiny switch at {20,28,4} opens the wall at {20,29,9}.
Beware, a Dracolich inhabits this maze!
Open the wall at {20,28,4}.
Down to Ye Old King under the Mountain.
This is an Ant generator room for the ant nests at {20,4,25} and {20,9,27}.
Consider clearing the nest from here with OH GOR and OH VEN before you accidentally fall into it from the pits above.
Up to the Sundrier and the Apprentice Level.
The corridor contains only monsters; it's your way back from {20,10,23} if you fall through the pit on the level above.
Fallen down? Fight your way back to {20,17,28}.
Map of Conflux / Level 20
Tileset :

Level 20 - Deathtrap Dungeon I[edit]

The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says "DIMENSION OF LINEARITY" when examined on this level.

Its legs are six,
Its mandibles two.
It bites and tries
To poison you.
Whether alive or whether dead,
All dragons can inspire dread.
The latter sort especially so,
Surrounded by a darkened glow.

The rending claws and teeth bring strife,
Draining energy and life.
Beware that which can taint your blood,
You’ll drown within an inner flood.
Tough as stone and magic too,
Swiftly moves to destroy you.

Darts around
all dressed in green,
Likes to take
what it has seen.
Likes to blind you from afar,
Laughs at his use of the power of Sar.

Tough, the Goblins' greenish kin,
Fights more battles
just to win.
Yelling, screaming, shouting loud,
Hopes to scare its enemies proud.

Their bite can poison arms and hands
While you are bound in silky strands.
Through thickened webs you'll have to wade.
Ignore the spells – fight with the blade.

Undead creature,
robe of black,
Green curse causes strength to slack.

A spirit who will steal your strength,
Till blade you cannot hold,
And also does
your need for food
And water make you cold.

Yellow plates and sting held high,
Legs aplenty, beady eye.
With fearful snarl comes poison pain,
Enough to make the mighty slain.
TOWER OF PITSThough common sense will tell you
All pits are made to fell you.
Not all pits are as you see,
And time need not move so quickly.
JUST A HALLSo often do you ask for help,
Begging for hints like some small whelp,
But know that help can't always be.
This corridor's just plain, can't you see?

This is a sample Sandbox dmzone (mouseover to see)