To {3,0,0} in the Sewers.
To {0,3,3} on the Guilds' level.
Guild entrance teleporter to {0,0,2}.
Teleporter to 00,29,11.
Pull the ring at {1,18,27} to remove the barrel at {1,17,26} opening a passage to the cellar. The wall cannot be opened from the other side.
Stairs from the Temple.
2 groups of Chewer Trees await you.
Message at this door: you can take a branch out of the side, causing it to close and injure you.
To the Mildew area (Minotaur's Maze).
ZO Liqueur in the alcove at {1,1,19}.
Using rope on south wall causes death (as long as you can't survive MON OH VEN)!
Torch in holder at {1,2,8}.
To the Guilds.
One of the rats in this area carries a Mace.
SAR Wine and Iron key in the alcove at {1,3,20}.
Torch in holder at {1,4,8}.
Take the LO SAR Wine and the Silver Coin from the alcove at {1,5,18} to open the wall at {1,9,13}.
Bag with Scroll in the alcove at {1,8,9}: "IN STOCK NINETY SEVEN SAR WINE ONE ZO LIQUEUR".
This wall will go away when you find a particular wine bottle in the Wine Cellar, 5,18 on east facing wall, take wine and Silver Coin to open wall.
To the Sewers and the Temple as well, if you open a door there.
Iron key door, lock on western side, switch to open on eastern side saving an Iron Key.
The Waterskin here is cursed, it gives you minimum water.
Using it or clicking on the water fountain will create Chewer Trees behind you at {1,5,1}. Use their Chewer Pods for food or to produce Juice.
Rock, Bag with Gorgonzola, Empty Waterskin, Fine Robe.
The door is opened at {1,7,8}; in the alcove at {1,4,7} is a Stormring, taking it summons a Spectre behind you. On the floor is a Shuriken.
To the Guilds.
Wand of FUL in the alcove at {1,6,6}.
Door is breakable by physical attack saving you an Iron Key.
This door needs lockpicks at {1,7,6}, I needed 18 attempts before the door opened. A Winged Key will not work as the lock is jammed.
A secret switch in the doorway opens the door at {1,5,7}, it might need a few attempts; there is a delay before the door opens.
To the Sewers.
Door is breakable by magic saving you a Gold Key.
Iron Key door.
On the floor is a Bag with a Corbum, a Gorgonzola, a Spitter Berry, a Gold Key; in the alcove at {1,10,1} are a Crossbow, 4 Arrows.
Bag with Iron Key and 2 Gorgonzolas here.
Iron key door.
Touch the fountain at {1,11,5} to remove the wall at {1,12,6}.
Going down here forces you to drop all your stuff (you can come back up at {1,12,8} in this case,) or to proceed down to the sewers to {3,10,7}.
Touch the Fountain of Wisdom at {1,9,9} to find a map scroll starting at {1,21,9}. Follow the dotted line from there to open a wall at {1,27,19}, climb down the pit there to find the Long Lost Wand. There are also two normal fountains here to the north and south.
Monk Staff on south facing wall.
See {1,11,15}. At {1,9,15} is an alcove with the following items: Boulder, Ashes, Spitter Berry, Stone Mushroom, Chewer Pod, Gorgonzola, Stone Mushroom, Steak, Gaefusilfr coin, Full Waterskin, Shining necklace, Silver Coin, Magic Purse, GOR Coin, Branch, Rock, Dagger, Scimitar, Shuriken. Heal before taking the Scimitar, since this restarts the closing of the jammed door. Don't let anything on the floor here, after the Scimitar take quickly the Shuriken, and leave immediately.
Stepping here opens a pit behind you at 10,6. It also takes the rope away unless you grab it really quickly. I once got the rope by enticing a Giggler onto the square. Evidently, he picked it up and when he died the rope was where I could reach it.
Door opened at {1,14,25}, Leather Boots at {1,9,22}.
There is an inscription "Supplies for the strong" at {1,11,14}, the door at {1,10,15} will close after you enter, injuring you. Place a Branch (which will get stuck) in the door socket, once the door has begun closing (not before) to jam it. Don't go through the door without a Branch!
Upstairs are the Food Storages.
Gorgonzola on the floor.
Gorgonzola on the floor.
Ladder down to the temple to {2,12,8}; the passage is normally blocked there.
As soon as the Rat leaves through the openable wall behind it or dies, the pit at {1,14,6} will close forever.<b5r>
Alcove at {1,14,17} with a Stone Mushroom behind a button operated iron grate door.
To the Monastery area of the Temple near the High Apartments. A Rat just west of this pit keeps this pit open.
Alcove at {1,14,11} with 2 Gorgonzolas behind a button operated iron grate door.
The little switch at {1,15,18} opens the grate at {1,16,17}.
The little switch at {1,14,25} opens the grate at {1,10,22}.
The Door of Answers is opened at {1,23,0}. The alcove at {1,14,3} contains a Plasma, a Shining necklace, a copper SAR Coin.
Boulder on the floor.
The switch on the west facing wall closes "Pit D" at {1,19,3}. I could not close it a 2nd time after having it left open at the alcoves.
Alcove at {1,16,10} with a Stone Mushroom.
Door opened at {1,15,18}, Leather Jerkin and Leather Pants at {1,16,18}.
Way back from the mildew area, the way must be opened up from the other side: enter at {1,24,31}.
Placing/taking items in/from the alcove on the east facing wall opens/shuts "Pit D" at {1,19,3}. Initially it contains a Moonstone necklace.
This is the destination of the teleporter at {0,12,29} in a portal room on the Guilds' level. Gigglers and the freed Cartographers from {13,0,4} can appear here, as well as the Darc Armour knights and yourself from {19,7,26}.
Teleport to {4,31,11}.
"Pit D" can be opened and closed from the alcove at {1,18,4}, the VI Altar at {1,20,4}, and must initially be closed with the switch at {1,16,0}. The switch works only once: if you open the pit later and jump down afterwards, the alcove and the altar remain inaccessible. One worthless item should remain here.
To the stairs between temple and sewers near the High Priest.
Alcove at {1,20,22} with a Stone Mushroom behind a button operated iron grate door.
Placing/taking items from the VI Altar on the west facing wall opens/shuts "Pit D" at {1,19,3}. Initially it contains
Throw item across pit to close pit. Jumping down this pit is an easy way to reach the Aquantana place in the Sewers.
Alcove at {1,20,22} with a Spitter Berry.
Inscription on the wall, pressure plate, starting point of the path to the long lost wand: {1,21,9}, {1,21,10}, {1,21,11}, {1,21,12}, {1,21,13}, {1,20,13}, {1,19,13}, {1,18,13}, {1,17,13}, {1,16,13}, {1,15,13}, {1,14,13}, {1,13,13}, {1,13,14}, {1,13,15}, {1,14,15}, {1,15,15}, {1,16,15}, {1,17,15}, {1,18,15}, {1,19,15}, {1,19,16}, {1,19,17}, {1,19,18}, {1,19,19}, {1,19,20}, {1,20,20}, {1,21,20}, {1,22,20}, {1,23,20}, {1,23,21}, {1,24,21}, {1,25,21}, {1,26,21}, {1,26,20}, {1,26,19}, {1,27,19}. Look here for the now opened entrance.
To the sewers near the stairs between temple and sewers near the High Priest.
This door is opened by placing something on the pad at {1,20,1}. Placing a Scroll in the Fountain of Ignorance at {1,23,0} opens the door at {1,15,3}. Do not use the Challenge Scroll!
Alcove at {1,23,4} with 2 Spitter Berries behind a button operated iron grate door.
Cross key on east facing wall.
Secret switch here opens door at 23,2.
Square Key door. Can be opened by a switch at the eastern side at {1,23,1} saving a Square Key. To do this, you must magically burn down a door above in the Mintoaur's maze at {0,29,15}.
The Flask generated at {1,25,13} appears in the southern alcove, which also contains a Stone Mushroom.
Winged key door, other side can be reached, saving winged key. (I opened it later in the game from the eastern side without a key.)
Door opened at 26,18.
Solid Key in the alcove behind the grate door on the east facing wall.
Placing a ZO Liqueur, a VEN Egg and a KATH Vinegar in the alcove with the Scroll telling you so at {1,25,13}, creates a Flask at {1,24,12} on the north facing wall around the corner: 1 COMPETITION POINT.
Place torch in torch holder to open door at 25,19.
Door opened at 25,18.
Place torch in torch holder here to open door at 24,18.
Down to the "Long Lost Wand". Dust and a Boulder are also here.
To open wall see {1,9,9}.
Way back from the "Long Lost Wand", the initial entrance is the pit at {1,27,18}.
Scroll "MORE SUPPLIES FOR THE STRONG", Magic Purse, Blast Spore, Monk Staff in the VI Altar on west facing wall.
Cross key door, opened from western side, eastern can be reached saving a Cross key.
A Rat generator (Steaks and furs!) Good for collecting furs for the fur trader. Seems to work forever. The trigger is around the wall to the south.
VEN Egg, Bones, Gorgonzola.
Ladder to {0,24,31}, the mildew area and the minotaur maze.
To the temple.
To the temple.
"Four Gold Coins"; in the western alcove appears the unique shuriken "Trail of Pain".
To {1,29,14}, {1,29,18}, {1,31,16}.
To the sewers at {3,31,7}.
To {1,27,16}, {1,29,18}, {1,31,16}.
To {1,27,16}, {1,29,14}, {1,31,16}.
Teleporter to {1,31,28}.
Remove this wall by placing a torch in the torch holder at {1,30,19}. There is a VI Altar here containing the CELLAR MAP PASSWORD and an Open Helm.
Placing a torch in the torch holder opens the wall at {1,30,17}.
Teleporter to {1,30,29}.
The stairs belong to the Temple's Way of Tzu. Turn around to reveal an alcove.
To {1,27,16}, {1,29,14}, {1,29,18}.
Teleporter to {1,31,28}.
The teleporters at {1,29,24} and {1,31,22} send you here.
Wisdom Path of Ephesus: the stairs at {1,0,0} and {1,0,7} ultimately lead to the Minotaur's maze at {0,19,20} or down a pit to the spider level at {0,18,28}; beware of strong monsters.
To the temple.
Wisdom Path of Ephesus: the stairs at {1,0,0} and {1,0,7} ultimately lead to the Minotaur's maze at {0,19,20} or down a pit to the spider level at {0,18,28}; beware of strong monsters.
Map of Conflux / Level 1
Tileset :

Level 01 - The Cellar[edit]

The unique compass "Learning Advisor" says "LOW POTENTIAL PLANE" when examined on this level.
  • The Cellar occupies almost the whole level, but many parts are initially not easily accessible. Food and fairly easy fights abound in this neighbourhood, and novice adventurers should spend some time here training and exploring.
    • communicate, although the passages need to be opened.
      • There is also a rat lair providing food.
    • The Path of Ephesus

It moves along,
this mobile tree,
No lungs to speak of or legs to see.
Yet hold your ears against their shriek,
Then harvest their fruit and sustain the weak.

Scuttle and squeak and sniff and bite,
Beware where there's one, there's many to fight.
They may bite with poison, they may stink of waste,
But when battle's done, how good do they taste!

Small with teeth to gnaw and bite,
Scuttles quickly into sight.
Chews your feet and bites your toes,
Or solid milk before its nose.
Death afoot,
bound in dark light,
They wield no weapon but undead might.
Risen from death with their deathly brothers,
They draw their strength from the life of others.

Although these spirits drain you so,
And feel no earthly touch,
Know that magic things,
to them,
Can quickly be too much.
FAKE HOPEWhat is this?
A source of hope
An escape, up a simple rope?
Alas, such luck
is not for you.
Another way will have to do.
TEMPLE RESERVESIn years past, people have donated,
And kept the monks' hunger sated.
But since you're here, and they are not,
Why not look, see what they've got?
MAGIC MAZEThough to the temple this does run,
It seems some people,
or someone
Doesn't want you here, although I think
There's treasure near, through some small chink.
WINGED LOCKThe monastery's locked by wings,
But how can you unlock such things?
Well, temples are religious too...
Perhaps they store things...there's a clue!
WINGED LOCKThis lock has wings, this much does show.
This faded lock once had its glow,
But now its use is long since past,
You're wasting time here. Move on fast.
SQUARE KEYThe key you need to pass this spot
Is guarded by iron that won't rust or rot.
Not a key, though you may assume,
But something stronger. Oh, what gloom...
IRON GRATEWhen a door your way does block,
And a key's needed for the lock,
Where's it written you can't try
To sneak around the other side?
IRON KEYA proverb that you may have learned
States “Leave no stone unturned”.
Think about these words and hark
To bottles that contain the dark.
KEY REPOSITORYPass this grate, you'll want to know
Lie things to help you onward go.
Not Boots of Speed, nor Dragon Socks,
But things to help you get past locks.
GOLDEN LOCKSpend a key, but do not fear,
For though you may have lost it here,
Soon enough you'll get it back.
For this lock, it was a snack.
LOCKED DOORLook across a gaping maw,
An open hole within the floor.
Across that way you'll find, I fear,
The thing you need to pass by here.
FOUNTAIN OF IGNORANCEIgnorance knows nothing, true,
But this fountain, help can you.
She lacks knowledge, do you see?
So help provide the remedy.
FOUNTAIN OF WISDOMWisdom speaks in many ways,
Learned from years, from weeks and days
Of living, seeing, hearing truth,
Giving answers to ignorant youth.
THE LAIRCowardly, they wait and hide,
Attacking those who come inside.
Though they may be slain or scared away,
They'll always return another day.
STRONG OR ASTUTEDoors can be friends or nasty foes,
Saving life or crushing toes.
Test your strength on one shut tight,
Or block one using all your might.
ARE YOU LOST?Lost ones, you cannot find the way?
Yet seek help, and find it you may.
Pouring knowledge,
pooling clues,
There is one who may give you news.
STORAGE CELLARIf help you need,
perhaps a guide
Can hint at something you've not tried.
But always note, and note it well,
A reward's not free – it's a sell.
THE WELL AND THE ROPEThe cunning thief knows traps and such
Are triggered by things that move at a touch.
Though hidden from sight, it's always near.
Do not let your speed be slackened by fear.
CURSED FOUNTAINSThough water is a vital part
Of life, of lung, of brain, of heart,
Not every drink
can bring a cure,
For not all water is so pure.
WINE CELLARBottles many,
laid round here,
Though much closer should you peer.
Save your assets,
look beneath,
But don't forget the rodents' teeth.
QUEST of the FLASKLiqueur's stored with other drinks,
And where, then, would that be, methinks...
Kath vinegar is used on mould,
And poison's in food, hot or cold.
NO ENTRYIf exploration is your aim,
If finding all things seems a game,
Alas, you'll find you cannot go
Through every way that seems to show.
EXIT ONLYA closed-up path,
a one-way door,
No way to come through ceiling, floor.
This passage is shut from this side.
Only from beyond can it be pried.
QUIET FOUNTAINNo tricks, no traps, just water clean,
From this quiet fountain, sweet, serene.
You may not find
more water soon,
So take advantage of this boon.
TREASURE TIMEFight is over, monsters slain,
Now the treasure lies here plain.
See it, take it, now it's yours.
Some items which may aid your cause.
FALL BREAKERMost pits give a bad reception,
And these here will be no exception.
But note that one pit closed may stop
A fall far too great – a death drop.
Temple GuardiansThe Guardian
Intangible and hard to see,
Hard to kill and hard to flee.
It guards the stores of temple old,
Swift thinking may just help the bold.

It snaps and snarls with fur jet black,
And savagely it does attack,
Seeking meat to rip and tear,
Hunting for it everywhere.
Guards of Holy WillFrom evil were these four once born.
Into the world their path was torn.
Now keeping constant watch they stay,
Unless there is another way...

There is no need to defeat them.
JUST A HALLSo often do you ask for help,
Begging for hints like some small whelp,
But know that help can't always be.
This corridor's just plain, can't you see?

This is a sample Sandbox dmzone (mouseover to see)